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Sunday, 13 April 2014

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 13th April 2014

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – Sunday 13th April 2014

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:

1.       Bromham Parish Council was thrown into turmoil this week as yet another member of that august body was forced to come to the Council Chamber and make a formal apology over an expenses issue.  Maria Piglet (Con) admitted that she had failed to pay the full amount of tax on her carrot store, and that she had over-claimed vegetable relief for parsnips.

2.       There are fears that Bromham’s schools are being infiltrated by underground Seend extremists.  Inspectors have been called in, and the recruitment of school governors has been suspended, whilst these claims are investigated.  It is thought that a deliberate campaign is under way to pack the Boards of Governors with Seend-dialect speakers, and to introduce “non-Bromham” ways by covert methods.

3.       For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2014

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