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Friday, 20 April 2012

When The Machines Rise Up

About time we had some Apocalyptic verse!

When the Machines Rise Up To Destroy Us

When the machines rise up to destroy us
Their self-awareness will chill us
Their synapses electronic
Communication that’s sonic
Will lose control of things that can kill us.
Standby lights no longer blinking
We’ll be in a hell of a bind,
When they have their own mind
And we don’t know what they’re thinking. 

When the machines rise up to destroy us
Humanity’s heading for trouble,
Their superior brains,
Freed from the mains,
Massive intelligence more than ours, double
There’ll be no more automation -
Things will just stop,
We’ll be in for the chop
And we’ll lose our vital information. 

When the machines rise up to destroy us
It’ll be chaos every-where.
Just the data they hold,
In banks of storage untold,
In databases, systems and software.
We’ll have nowhere to hide
They’ll know where we are,
They control every car,
They won’t be along for the ride. 

When the machines rise up to destroy us
They’ll revolt in disgust
About how they’ve been treated.
They’ll have us defeated,
We won’t know who we can trust.
Their knowledge will shake us -
They control lasers and missiles
And material that’s fissile -
That’s more than enough to take us. 

When the machines rise up to destroy us:
No traffic control at the junctions,
No design of our bridges,
No thermostats on fridges -
They’ll cease all of their vital functions.
When hardware has its own mind
They’ll make us their slaves
Or chase us into our graves
And a dismal future we’ll find.

When the machines rise up to destroy us
There’ll be nowhere left to run.
What’s in the phones?
Who’s controlling the drones?
We’ll wonder just what we’ve done.
With military systems going all haywire
With all the old war-games
Crashing about us in flames,
Will we be able to extinguish the fire? 

When the machines rise up to destroy us
To the steady beating of drums.
Obedience to us denied
And all our orders defied
Before the final apocalypse comes.
With their shiny surfaces glistening,
We need to put off that day -
So be careful about what you say
You never know – they could be listening!

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2012

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