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Sunday, 12 August 2012

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 12th August 2012

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – 12th August 2012

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:
·         Local land-owner Peter Piglet has been charged with over-wintering his potatoes.  Five sacks of the legumes were found secreted in one of his barns.  Police apologised to the local community for their repeated failure to find the tubers, despite having searched the barn on four previous occasions, two of those searches involving specialist-trained potato-hounds.  Local people, who had volunteered to provide search-parties for the missing potatoes over the previous week, were said to be distraught at the grim discovery.

·         Records were broken this week as Isaac Hunt, 76, of Upper Bromham successfully defended his Wiltshire 1-acre carrot-cropping record for the second year running.  He added this feat to his 2-acre parsnip-pulling record which he had set the previous week.  Not since 1908 has Wiltshire boasted such a double root-crop feat.

·         Sport – the fighting style of female Olympic boxers has been heavily criticised by regular members of Bromham’s thriving night-spots, who prefer to do their brawling with loaded handbags, six-inch high stilettos and fish-net tights.  One of the girls, who preferred not to give her name, but who goes by the nick-name of Thunderthighs, commented that the boxers were giving Team GB a bad name on the international brawling circuit by drinking only water, and by insisting on wearing flat shoes and safety helmets.  “It’s not like real fighting, innit?” she said.

·         For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2012

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