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Tuesday, 18 April 2017



Because now that I know
…I wish that I didn’t
               …a rabbit that’s out of the hat
Because I keep thinking about it
…dreams of engulfment
…nightmares too bad to bear
Because when I wake up it should just go away
               …dissolve like the rest of my night terrors
…into great gulps of relief
…but this time it doesn’t
Because this time it’s true
…and I can’t the thing shake it off
               …stuck to me limpet-like
Because there’s no easy solution
…no simple way out
                              …nor way to avoid it
Because there’s no amount of money
…that could be scraped together
…that would pay this thing off
Because it doesn’t take bribes
               …no price of my ransom
…nor even listen to reason
Because it’s unfeeling
…it doesn’t know what it’s doing
…nor realise what it’s doing to my life
Because my peace of mind is failing
…because this is it
…because this time it’s real
…because it’s so frightening
That’s why I’m shouting
…calling out in my sleep
…because I’m afraid

 Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2017

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