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Sunday, 23 September 2018

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 23rd September 2018

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 23rd September 2018

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:

1.      A woman from D-Town who was visiting Salzburg in Austria this week, has returned to the town complaining of poor treatment by her hosts.  “When I got off the plane I was asked to show my UK passport, which was a bit of a surprise.  It hadn’t even occurred to me that I was arriving from a separate country, so close has the UK’s relationship with the EU been for so many years,” she said.  “Then my hosts chose to ignore me.  I stood up and told them what I thought of them, but they just turned away.  Then at the evening meal they told me that I couldn’t have any cake, even though everyone else was having some.  I can’t believe that they treated me so badly.  I definitely won’t be going there again.”  No-one from any country in the EU was available for comment.

2.    After storms Ali and Bronagh swept through the UK this week, The Vize was bracing itself for the future storms to come – these include Crikey, Deary-me, Elpful, FFS, Getlost, Hellsbells, JesusHChrist, Kong, Lawks, MammaMia, Nerk, Oops, Ploppy, Queer, Rightyho, Stuffthis, Trump, Unbelievable, Veryfunny, Whatanother, Xrated, Yikes and Zabbadabbadoo.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2018

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