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Sunday, 14 November 2021

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 14th November 2021

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 14th November 2021 

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:                                              

1.      The latest last-gasp, last chance saloon, we’re-really not joking this time Climate Change talks held at the D-Town Symposium Centre and Skittle Alley (cheap rates available for block bookings) have resulted in yet another stalemate over the wording of the final communique.  Despite thirteenth-hour discussions held long into Saturday night drinking time at The Old Nadgers’ Arms, delegates could only agree to generate even more hot air next time they meet in some remote island complex, to increase consumption of blah-blah by 7.8%, and to limit the reliance on stalemate until 2040 (at the earliest). 

2.      And in a move that he hopes will be followed by other politicians, role models and society influencers, the mayor of D-Town has announced that he has reduced his pool of motorcars from four Jags to just two Jags.  He hopes to go to just one Jag in 2030 and to be Jag-neutral by 2040.  However, in order to protect jobs in the D-Town motor trade and ancillary services, he has warned that, in the short term at least, he may have to actually increase to five Jags.  He has also promised not to run some of the Jags on the road, but to keep them locked up at home in his private paddock, which he has referred to Jag capture and storage. 

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2021


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