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Sunday, 3 March 2013

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 3rd March 2013

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – 3rd March 2013

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:
·       As the Archbishop of Bromham formally stepped down on Tuesday at midnight, the Church was left, technically at least, rudderless.  Whilst the convocation of Wiltshire Cardinals gathers in a Bromham pub chapter-house, in order to elect a new Highest Holiness, the Archbishop himself was whisked away by tractor, which circled the village in a final act of homage.  After he reached his retirement pigsty palace to the North of the village, the Right Reverend changed his shoes for slippers, hung up his crozier for the last time on the back of the door, and formally broke his seals of office (a set of silver inscribed vegetables).  Later that evening, the Archbishop Emeritus was found slumped in his chair, having fallen asleep watching the third box-set of Buffy – The Vampire Slayer.

·       In the exciting Bromham by-election of the same night, the turnout at the polling booth in the Social Centre reached the dizzying heights of 8%.  The by-election was caused by the resignation of sitting Parish Councillor Piglet Hoom, after finally confessing to the crime of goat-nadgering, and of trying to get his wife Vicky Hoom to take the rap of community service.  He has been charged with trying to pervert the course of animal husbandry.  The election was won by Peregrine Piglet, whose Workers’ Horticultural Organisation (WHO) party managed to hang on to the seat, but with a much-reduced majority.  The big surprise of the night was the strong showing, in second place, of the Bromham Union for Rural Practices (BURP), who have campaigned for independence of Bromham from the rest of Wiltshire.

·       For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2013

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