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Sunday, 27 January 2019

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 27th January 2019

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 27th January 2019

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:

1.      D-Town suffered yet another commercial shock this week when the bloke who sells copies of The Big Issue outside The Shambles market decided to formally move his pitch to a different location within the town.  He was immediately accused of hypocrisy, after it was revealed that he had previously stated that wished to Remain in his original pitch, but had re-located for purely financial reasons.  He is now expected to sell up to an extra three copies of the magazine per week.

2.     And the Vize’s international heliport is now largely quiet after the departure of many (local) government, think-tank, environmental, economic and commercial celebrities “representatives” from the WEF (Wiltshire Economic Forum) gathering.  It will now be possible to park again in the Market Place, once the removal of stretch limousines and luxury people carriers has been completed.  Shops will be re-stocked with Wagon Wheels and Curly-Wurlies.  Unbelievably, life will actually go on – much as before.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2019

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