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Saturday, 23 February 2019

Running For The Bus

Running For The Bus

I count myself a determined old bugger:
I didn’t want to be put out to grass.
Eventually a new vista opened,
When at last I got hold of my free bus pass.

I took to it like a duck to the water,
And used it to voyage about all over.
Soon I became a frequent traveller,
And was known as the “Off-Peak Rover”.

There’s but one bus a day from our village,
So you can’t afford not to be on board,
And when I saw the thing disappearing.
I was off in hot pursuit, and I roared.

The driver could see me, so gave me a chance,
Leaving the doors open as he moved away.
I was quite a wreck, as I leapt up on deck
But at least I still didn’t have to pay!

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2019

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