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Friday, 8 May 2020

Brock In The Dock

Brock In The Dock 

There was a young badger named Brock,
Who was in for a hell of a shock.
There’d been a directive,
That his body’s infective,
And now he’s got to stand trial in the dock.

There’s been a lot of tittle-tattle,
From landowners and farmers who prattle.
They say that it’s he,
Who’s spreading TB,
And causing diseases in cattle.

So Natural England’s got a new will,
To employ marksmen with deadliest skill.
The triggers they’re pulling,
They’ve kicked off the culling,
And now they’ve got a licence to kill.

But it could be a home-goal we’ve scored,
For Defra’s studies are known to be flawed,
Surely it’s insane?
Is it really humane,
To be putting our wildlife to the sword?

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2020

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