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Sunday, 7 June 2020

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 7th June 2020

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 7th June 2020

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:
1.      Local bus companies have risen up in protest at the Council’s decision to impose 14-day quarantine on anyone arriving in the borough by bus.  They have said that not only will it destroy the local travel industry at a stroke, but will also impose a disproportionate penalty on individual travellers, since no-one (no matter how sick) really deserves to be stuck in D-Town for that amount of time

2.      Whilst on the subject of closing the farm-building’s aperture after the equine has escaped, the Council has also brought in several other helpful measures, including the banning of burning heretics at the stake, forbidding lynch-mobs to string up litter louts, compensating sporting venues for loss of income due to the cessation of bear-baiting and dog-fighting, furloughing workers in the buggy-whip making industry, and limiting the wearing of full knight’s armour (especially chain mail) in public.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2020

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