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Sunday, 28 June 2020

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 28th June 2020

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 28th June 2020

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:
1.      Joy was unconfined in the borough during the week when thirty years of hurt were finally brought to end.  On Thursday night D-Town Ramblers were finally declared Champions of West Wiltshire Level Five (Germolene) League without even kicking a ball.  Their closest rivals Trowvegas Allstars failed to avoid defeat at Melksham Ramblers, thus rendering the points chase all over.  Most teams in the League have now been docked points for various breaches of the regulations, including fielding ineligible players, betting on results, urinating on the goal-posts, foul and offensive language from coaches and players, and failure to serve those nice little oranges at half time.  Ramblers won by dint of being docked less points than their rivals.  Having only won three of their forty games, the team did well to finish on only minus 26 points. They will now play in West Wiltshire Level Four (Germolene) League next season.  Supporters celebrated for nearly forty minutes by wandering the empty streets, standing outside all the closed pubs and licking the windows.

2.      But shame was present in equal quantity after people largely ignored police appeals to stay away from the Wharf-side of the canal.  The place was packed with nearly a dozen people sunbathing, swimming in the pollution-infested canal, and eating ice-creams.  A police spokes-personoid stated “this easing of lockdown conditions has now reached the point where no one person actually understands what all the rules are.  Only herd mentality is now possible.  Whilst we know that the restrictions on the worst aspects of idiocy and fuck-wittery have now been lifted, no-one is quite sure what the new normal level of idiocy should be, or how the new standard of fuck-wittery can be achieved.”

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2020

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