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Friday, 12 August 2022



That sound, that moment

When wood closes softly against wood

And the metal parts quietly touch each other

The satisfying click of engagement

A door that perfectly fits the frame

A latch that catches

A key that turns

A bolt that’s thrown

A curtain that’s drawn

A closing-in and a shutting-out

An exclusion of all the outside

The cold, the air, the weather,

Them, and the rest of the world


A feeling of coming home

Of safety and security

Returning to the roost

The familiar smells of cooking and washing

Of carpets and of furniture

The soothing quietness of rooms

Calm domestic spaces

Looking as if only lately left deserted

Still there and undisturbed

The warmth of shadows

And the ticking of the clock

 Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2022

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