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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down


I cannot just lie here
And take the weight bearing down on me
Or allow myself to be flattened
Crushing out hope and breath
Pushing me further down
Into a cold, black despair 

I will not let myself be defeated
Lose my self-belief
Nor have my spirit broken
By those who would shatter my ideas 

I will fight back every time
Against defeat and disappointment
Despair and deep depression
And I will rise again and lift my eyes
To stare back into the face
Of those who would put me down 

I will bounce back
Re-new, re-start, re-boot
Re-fresh and re-assess
Taking in my stride
Whatever puts me down
Re-framing things in right proportion
And their correct perspective 

I am better than that
So I will get back up again
And dust off the dirt of disappointment
I will reassert my determination
Replace my rose-tinted glasses
Upon my face
And show that I am resilient

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2012

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