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Friday, 26 April 2013

Have You Had Yours Yet?

Have You Had Yours Yet?

The news is bad, bordering on tragic,
Really awful - in fact it’s hit me for six:
The announcement went out this morning:
They’ve had to suspend making our Weetabix!

Seems they’ve run out of British wheat,
Due to last summer’s bad weather,
And they can’t make it from inferior wheat –
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather!

In the mean-time the production-line’s closed,
Except for some Mini-Bites and Oatibix,
Which really ain’t the same thing at all,
And it looks as if we’re all left in a fix!

So they’ve resorted to importing some wheat,
For the first time in as long as they can remember,
Till they can some more British stuff,
But they won’t know that till September!

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2013

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