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Sunday, 17 August 2014

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 17th August 2014

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – Sunday 17th August

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:

1.       The Bromham Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) were posted this week outside the stately home of reclusive pop star Riff Pilchard, whose celebrity status has done little or nothing to enhance the reputation of the village, especially since he made those dreadful records in the 1960s & 1970s.  Police searched the house, following a tip-off from a member of the public, but so far all that has been found is a cache of tasteless publicity shots for a 1978 calendar, and a large number of offensive images (believed to be of Mr Pilchard himself).  Police officers who attended the scene are being given psychological counselling.

2.       A convoy of three tractors which set off from Bromham a week ago have reached the disputed border with Seend.  Authorities in the breakaway province are refusing to allow them passage, claiming that they may be carrying carrots and other root vegetables which might give succour to the insurgents in the village.  Bromham Parish Council, who despatched the convoy, dismissed such claims, saying that the tractors were merely bringing humanitarian aid in the form of cabbages.

3.       For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2014

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