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Saturday, 28 May 2016

Screaming Tree

Screaming Tree

Within this forbidding forest
Among a cathedral of trees
It stands alone and silent
Biding its time, waiting
For them to come and stand before it
In this special place
An altar of sorts
A clearing amongst the greenwood

Huge amongst its brothers
A giant within the greenery
Old, brooding, silent, implacable
Sweet sap oozing deep within
Grounded on the surface of the Earth
Its massive roots like fierce, hard fingers
Grasp deep within the ground
Holding fast to the surface of the planet
Its gnarled and twisted trunk
Spiralling up into the canopy
Reaching through to the sky
A long, ancient finger pointing upward

It hears the howling and the shouting
The agony and the anger
The breast-beating of those who stand before it
Screaming inarticulate noises
Of inexpressible pain and passion

It feels their raw emotion
Absorbing their energy
Soaking up and staring back
Immobile, faceless and unflinching
Its knotted, woody aspect
Reflecting, projecting, transmitting
And conducting sound
Upwards for the heavens to hear
And provide an answer, if they will

 Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2016

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