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Sunday, 3 March 2019

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 3rd March 2019

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 3rd March 2019

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:

1.      Spirits soared in The Vize this week as its citizens proudly watched the lift-off of the county’s first privately-financed milk-cart.  Although only “piloted” by a dummy (although some people think that Mr Hugh Jarse should not be referred to in that way) during its test run from Potterne to the town centre, it is hoped that manned journeys will be undertaken shortly.  If all goes to plan, crates of the bottled white stuff should be delivered to shops in a matter of weeks.  “A small journey for a milk-cart, but a giant leap forward for local dairy farmers,” declared a spokes-person.

2.     And mystery still surrounds the abrupt and expected end to the demilitarisation talks between the town and the communist state of Trowvegas.  D-Town’s mayor declared that “they wanted us to drop all economic sanctions against them, and we were not prepared to do that.  Sometimes you just have to walk away.  But we walked away in a friendly way.”  The early conclusion of talks meant that the Trowvegas delegation had to make its way home on an earlier armoured 49 bus service.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2019

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