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Monday, 12 April 2021

I Never Wanted A Dog

I Never Wanted A Dog

I’ve never really wanted a dog

Not even when I was only a sprog

Their barking and general behaviour left me agog

Under the feet if I went for a jog

Getting all messy and running into a bog


As an alternative, I considered a mog

Looked into keeping a hog

Or even a tropical frog

But the choices made my thoughts clog

And put my brain into a fog


Yes it was quite a quag….mire

The whole thing turned into a slog

Then I started using my nog

(I’ve written my thoughts up on my blog)

Yes – I’ve decided to foster a log!


You really ought to try it!

It’s very clean and it’s quiet -

That’s what persuaded me to buy it

And it never ever needs feeding

Precious little attention it’s needing

It doesn’t interrupt when I’m talking

And it never needs walking

But that doesn’t stop folks from gawking

It may be a rather inanimate sprog

But, overall, I’m pleased with my log

No – I never wanted a dog


 Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2021

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