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Sunday, 28 August 2016

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 28th August 2016

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – Sunday 28th August 2016

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:
1.       Religious sensibilities have been heightened in Bromham this week.  On Monday the Parish Council decided to ban the wearing of baler-twine as a means of holding up men’s trousers, citing the fact that baler-twine can be seen by some sections of village society as an “incitement” to commit violence.  Viewers around the world had been shocked by video footage of Bromham’s policeman, Consternoon Afterble, requesting workers in the fields to remove their baler-twine.   However, on Tuesday, this ban was over-ruled in Bromham’s High Court on the grounds that the whole idea was basically a load of bollocks. 

2.       Bromham residents will be holding their traditional Bank Holiday Olympics this week-end.  This will include the 50m dash (back into the house to avoid the downpours), the 5-mile queue (on the motorway), the long-jump (over the mud and puddles), the men’s hammer (and nails to build the shed), the ladies’ invitation screw-driver (don’t ask), and the floor exercises (post-Disco at the pub).

3.       For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2016

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