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Sunday, 20 October 2019

Drivel From Devizes - Dateline Sunday 20th October 2019

Drivel From Devizes: Dateline – Sunday 20th October 2019

Here is our weekly round-up of events from D-Town:

1.      After much political pressure, the Lord Mayor of D-Town has finally written a note to the milkman.  It requests that the milkman should continue to deliver two pints of semi-skimmed to the Council Chambers for another two months.  However, he has refused to sign this note, and has included another note which says that they don’t really want to continue with the milk delivery at all.  A third note, signed by disaffected councillors has sought a compromise by asking for just one pint of whole milk to be delivered every other day.  The dairy involved has said that it will look at these notes, but will not decide what action to take until it has consulted all 27 of its milk delivery personnel.

2.      And in other news, the welfare of the planet was again highlighted when a pensioner from The Vize managed to glue himself to the side of the No. 49 bus to Trowbridge on Tuesday.  Police, fire crews and para-medics were called to the scene to free the clearly distressed pensioner, whilst crowds looked on and cheered in his support.  Later, sipping tea and dunking a McVitie’s digestive, the man explained that it had not in fact been a climate change protest, but an unlucky accident when he had mistaken a tube of glue in his shopping bag for his purse, in an attempt to find his Rover Ticket.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2019

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