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Sunday, 20 January 2013

News From Bromham - Dateline Sunday 20th January 2013

Bulletin From Bromham: Dateline – 20th January 2013

Here is our weekly round-up of events from Bromham:
·       Tim Piglet’s Retail Complex & Emporium (aka the village shop) has withdrawn from sale all its packs of horsemeat burgers (both Gristle Specials, and the ever-popular budget-range of String’n’Sinew specials), when it was discovered last week that some packs actually contained faint traces of beef DNA and tiny amounts of nutrition.  In a random scientific test, conducted in the local tithe-barn, during the annual goat-nadgering session, several people who ate the cooked burgers, complained of them tasting “a bit funny”, and were unable to fart properly for the rest of the day.  Mr John Piglet, proprietor of Knuckle & Gristle (Butchers To The Barmy), was not available for comment.

·       All operators of Bromham’s long-awaited new 787 Field Device, the so-called DreamTractor, have been warned to stop using their new equipment after a range of technical problems were discovered last week.  One tractor failed its standard noise-emission tests when it failed to wake several neighbours at 6.30am on Sunday morning.  Another failed to rip proper deep gouges in the front lawn-strips of several houses in the lane.  And a third was unable to cover its rear lights and registration-plate in liquid cow-shit within the statutory twenty minutes.  Engineers are working 24x7 to isolate and fix the problems.

·       Villagers are still coming to terms with the devastating news that the prestigious “Tour de Kyrgystan” sheep-droving competition will not be staging its opening drive through this part of Wiltshire in 2014.  Bromham had faced stiff competition from rival bids from Trowbridge, East Grinstead and the East Birmingham Industrial Trading Estate.

·       For details of these and all other Bromham stories, don’t forget to listen to local radio station Carrot FM.

Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2013

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