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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

So, here we go again then.......

So here we go again into the wild blue yonder of another New Year.  I wonder if there's any hope that it'll be any better than the last few years?  Doubtful, I know.

Still, it's just another series of 24-hour periods dictated by the spinning and orbiting of our planet around a small star.  It has no greater significance than any other set of 24-hour periods, since the calendar of days, months and years are just an invention, a way of thinking, a way of rationalising the passage of time, of measuring the spans of our brief existence, by we humans.

I guess that the planet is not quite exhausted yet, that we've a way to go before we reduce it to a burning cinder in space.  I guess that I, and anyone reading this, will not be around when that inglorious end finally comes.  I guess that there's probably not much I can do about it.  But what the hell?  There's still some gas in the tank, so let's drive on for a few more miles and see where it gets us down the road.

In the mean time, let's just try and do the best that we can........

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