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Friday, 13 May 2022



We sit quietly beneath the Earth, hushed within a hollowed cavern

facing an empty central circle, and shiver in the dark, dimly-lit,

anticipating the coming mystic rite


Four figures enter, heads bowed, black-cloaked, hats like tombstones

dervish-devout, focused upon drum, pipe, and strings

improvising, building slowly to steady, hypnotic rhythm

calming the air around them


The semazen arrive, arms criss-crossed, testifying the unity of God

intoning Qu’ranic eulogy to the Prophet, their delicate first movements

salaaming with care and exactitude, performing sufic rite

describing the spiritual journey towards a new perfection

man’s submission of ego, annihilation of self to God

and ascension towards an ecstasy

the very rapture of being


Black cloaks cast aside reveal the ego-shrouds, white skirts of Mevlana

and, slowly, the turning itself begins, revolving right to left around the heart

turning ever-faster into whirling, like the blood around the body

protons in the atom, their own steady orbit around space

arms spread widely open, one hand pointed up towards the sky

the other back down towards the Earth

connecting God with Man


Eyes closed in concentration, heads inclined upon their shoulders

in the spirit, in the moment, submerged in love

the spinning circulation frenzied for a while, then finished

before returning silently to their cells for further contemplation

and quiet meditation

 Copyright Andy Fawthrop 2022

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