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Saturday, 1 December 2012

Leveson - The Backlash Years


Is this the same posh-boy Cameron who vowed, as he set up the Leveson Inquiry, that he would implement its recommendations unless they were in some way "completely bonkers"?  And, now that he's pretended to read it, has drawn back from legislative under-pinning of a regime of press regulation?  I guess it must be.  Perhaps he's changed his mind. Perhaps he does think that it's "complete bonkers".  Or perhaps he's just been got at by the powerful press lobby, and has an eye on future election support so that he can try to cling to power for longer.  Who knows?  Who cares any more?  What was the point of Leveson spending so much time and taxpayer money, only for this Eton-educated idiot to turn his face against it? I'd just like to put him in a room with all the recent victims of press intrusion and have him look them in the eye, whilst he attempts to "explain" his position. No wonder people become disillusioned with politics and politicians.

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